This year, UW-Madison hosted a symposium on electrical safety for CSHEMA, a professional organization of environmental health and safety (EHS) officers. As part of the symposium, CSHEMA attendees visited the glass and electronics shops to …
Shops participate in CHOPS outreach program
The Chemistry Shops participated with other facilities throughout the department to advertise our graduate program via CHOPS: the Chemistry Opportunities program. Click below to see the slides prepared for this program. 2020-10-13-CHOPS Chemistry Opportunities (CHOPs)
Wisconsin Science Festival
Wisconsin Institute of Discovery; Madison, WI
Meeting of the Midwest Section of the American Scientific Glassblowers Society
Purdue Glass Lab; W. Lafayette, IN
Museum Exhibition of Scientific Glassware: The Crossroads of Art and Science
Fusion, Journal of the ASGS
Marvel at the scientific beauty of glassblowing
Lisa Speckhard Pasque | The Capital Times
Melding Science and Art with Glass
Gayle Worland | Wisconsin State Journal
Master glassblower’s work on exhibit at Madison Children’s Museum
Badger Chemist News
Apparatus: The Art of Scientific Glass
November 14, 2018 from 6-8 p.m. Agnes Varis Art Center at 647 Fulton St., Brooklyn, NY 11217 This celebration of glass blowing and creation, for the advancement of science, explores the techniques and history of …
Glass and Glassblowing in Making Modern Chemistry
PBS video