This year, UW-Madison hosted a symposium on electrical safety for CSHEMA, a professional organization of environmental health and safety (EHS) officers. As part of the symposium, CSHEMA attendees visited the glass and electronics shops to …
Student Shop Managers Consortium 2023
Amber Bartz attended the Student Shop Managers Consortium this year. See her summary slideshow below. SSMC 2023
Shops participate in CHOPS outreach program
The Chemistry Shops participated with other facilities throughout the department to advertise our graduate program via CHOPS: the Chemistry Opportunities program. Click below to see the slides prepared for this program. 2020-10-13-CHOPS Chemistry Opportunities (CHOPs)
Driving Hardware for Instrumentation Discussion at SciPy 2020
Blaise Thompson led a “birds of a feather” session in which students, scientists, and engineers compared notes about strategies for using Python for driving scientific instrumentation. Several people volunteered to present, and over 100 people …
Science Olympiad 2020: Detector Building
Blaise Thompson coached five Madison high schoolers in Science Olympiad. Each student built their own digital thermometer as well as learning the theory and practice of analog and digital detector design.