Fusion, Journal of the ASGS
Construction of a Fluorescence Microscopy Cell for Single Molecule Studies
Fusion, Journal of the ASGS
Using the Wisconsin Universal Holder (WUH) to Achieve Repeatable Results
British Society of Scientific Glassblowers Journal
Museum Exhibition of Scientific Glassware: The Crossroads of Art and Science
Fusion, Journal of the ASGS
Point of Excellence: Machine Shop
Proceedings of the 63rd Symposium on the Art of Scientific Glassblowing
The Crossroads of Art and Science
October 2018 through December 2019. Madison Children’s Museum. See also associated flier
Torches in the Japanese Glass Shop 2016
Fusion, Journal of the ASGS
Photoelectrochemical Water-Splitting Cell
Fusion, Journal of the ASGS
Liebig’s Kaliapparat and the Origins of Scientific Glassblowing
Fusion, Journal of the ASGS
Imitating Nature: The Materials and Preservation Needs of the Blaschka Glass Models
Journal of Glass Studies