
The Chemistry Appliance Shop regularly repairs small appliances used in chemical synthesis, including:
hotplates, stirplates, shakers, laboratory ovens, rotovaps, UV lamps, sonicators, balances, chillers and many more.

If you have a question about a repair, please stop by or send an email to

Appliance Shop Location:

Chemistry Building
1101 University Ave.
Room B370 (Daniels)
Madison, WI 53706


Generally, Monday-Friday, 10am-5:30pm

To submit a small appliance for repair:

1. Pick up an “OK to move / Repair” label from outside of room B370 or S307, or print the label (left).
2. Clean the appliance using appropriate methods, as described by the “OK to move / Repair”
3. Attach the “OK to move / Repair” label to your appliance.
4. Transport the item from your laboratory to B370.
Place it on the coutner if it fits, otherwise you may leave it on a cart (which can be returned to you) or you may leave it at the pink shelves outside of the Electronics Shop (S307)
If the appliance is too large to be moved, contact Shop staff for assistance.
5. Send an email to Amber Bartz (, letting her know that the appliance is in need of repair and the location. Share any details about how the appliance has malfunctioned.
6. Shop staff will contact you.

View full Instrument Shop Repair Policy.

Do NOT submit the appliance if:

  • Item cannot be cleaned or lab contaminants cannot be removed for safe non-lab handling.
  • Item has been used with radioactive materials at any time. Contact Radiation Safety
  • Your repair is a rotovap containing glassware. The Machine Shop (S307) can help if you are unable to remove it on your own.